Tuesday, July 5, 2011

American Independence and India

It is always lovely to be in USA and work...

But who is celebrating when economy is in downturn?


Waster of monies.

This is a wasted effort of my 200th post.

Monday, July 4, 2011

MLM bastards FCUK off!

Why the heck you are all torturing me?

Independence day is supposed to be for festivities.


Awmay, choothyaa's... BTW what is the meaning of this word? Heard this from one Awmay rep. in Edison Patel, when one North Indian wanted me to spend 30 minutes on an exciting legal business option. Oh.. I knew it was Awmay! Screw them. I said no. He said in a low voice... Gandu. Madaraasi. Choo... (as if I didnt hear it...)

Very nice North Indians in NJ.

Happy 235th Independence Day, the rulers of the WORLD!